
Trending Now: #2017WasTheYearThatIFinally
Trending Now: #2017WasTheYearThatIFinally
Trending Now: #2017WasTheYearThatIFinally
As we near the end of another calendar year, people are taking to social media to share what they finally started, finished, accomplished or otherwise in 2017. What's your #2017WasTheYearThatIFinally?
Trending Now: #MakeMeAngryIn5Words
Trending Now: #MakeMeAngryIn5Words
Trending Now: #MakeMeAngryIn5Words
#MakeMeAngryIn5Words is trending on Twitter. I was afraid to see what people were responding with at first because...well...the internet. But - as is often the case - humor prevails, and I'm laughing at five words instead.